We are a source for those interested in the history of Cazenovia and Blacksmith History in general. The history is chronicled on this website and through presentations we do at various community events. More information about upcoming events can be found on the Events & Outreach page.
Promise for Historical Accuracy: This is history…history that can only be verified through written works, some of which may or may not have been accurate when written. Little if any of what is presented can be confirmed by anyone alive today. The source of all information will either be presented directly with the history or be made available to anyone requesting it. As new information is found that may contradict what we currently believe to be true and accurate, all effort will be put forth to prove or disprove the new or current information. I will be transparent in communicating any and all changes.
Look for our Walking Tour Brochure at Village locations or contact us to have one sent to you.
We are also in the planning stages of placing an Interpretive Sign within the village.